Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lomo takes the Train

Well, not really.. Just visiting the Tanjong Pagar train station.. :)

LCA & Afga Precisa

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Lomography Photography

I first got my lomo camera about 5 years ago? I cant even remenber.. I liked taking pictures and I liked viewing nice lomo pics online. But, I didnt know then what cross processing is or that it existed and that its what creates the cool effects in the lomo pics.

Anyway, I stopped taking film until recently.. I mean who needs film when theres digital?!

But, I still like film, I like it the traditional way.. So, I picked it up again recently and tried my hand at cross processing and of course fell in love with it all over again..

My first film camera (actually the first 1 could probably some toy I had like 15 yrs back which I has no recollection of, but that doesnt count) is the Lomo LC-A, which I've totally crazy about.. :p